This site gives you the opportunity to connect with your organization. You can view various company documents and information, view your personal information, and perform various tasks your organization has designated as self-service functions.

To log in you will need the following:

Your Username and Password for this system will be as follows:
First initial of your first name, last name, month and day of birth (formatted mmdd)
(Note: special characters will be removed from the username.)
For example, If your name is Jim Jones-Khan, born January 5th, 1973, and your social security number is 245-89-6225, then your username would be JJONESKHAN0105 (usernames are NOT case-sensitive)
IF YOU ARE A FIRST TIME USER: Your temporary password will be the Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. In this case it would be 6225. You will be prompted to create a new password when you enter the site.
IF YOU ARE A RETURNING USER: Please use the password you created last time.
IF YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD: Please use the “forgot password” feature before failing three times otherwise you will be locked out.